Katerina Thomas


"Trust grows at the speed of a coconut tree but falls with a speed of a coconut" — Caribbean proverb

Kat started out and built her career in Marketing and Sales. Having led numerous initiatives across Europe and the US, Kat found that to help her company scale successfully, she needed a good CRM! That was a pivotal moment that sparked her interest in business applications and cloud technologies, leading her to the great people at Microsoft.

When an opportunity arose to join a Microsoft partner as a Customer Success Manager, managing commercial relationships with Corporate and Enterprise customers and helping them on their digital transformation journeys, she knew she found her ideal job!

Due to her background, Kat has a wealth of knowledge and experience in understanding business strategies and leveraging technology to deliver key strategies. Ensuring that clients successfully achieve their business goals and earn their trust.

While she is a city girl at heart, having a young family has changed her preferences somewhat. These days, she is happy to have settled in Dunedin, where she enjoys easy access to family, babysitters, and a short commute to work. In her spare time you will find her enjoying the great outdoors or playing hide and seek with her two little girls.

Katerina Thomas

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